Happy Heidi Vintage Fiesta

Vintage Harlequin Salt and Pepper Shakers in Rose Glaze | Circa 1940-1950

Circa 1940-1950: Homer Laughlin's rose glaze was introduced on it's Woolworth's Harlequin line in 1940. The new sophisticated dusty rose was successful enough to continue onto the Fiestaware line in 1950. The rose glaze also substituted for the red glaze during WWII. It is hard to find the Harlequin salt and pepper shakers in good condition, the exaggerated flared feet are quite delicate. This example has a very nice glaze with good color. Please note a very minor nic to the edge of one and price has been discounted (shown in the first photograph on the shaker to the righgt). Each has different sized holes, one for pepper and the larger for salt, making this a true pair. Measures just under 3 1/2" tall x 2 1/4" across the top.

rose vintage harlequin salt and pepper shakers for sale

rose vintage harlequin salt and pepper shakers for sale

rose vintage harlequin salt and pepper shakers for sale

rose vintage harlequin salt and pepper shakers for sale

rose vintage harlequin salt and pepper shakers for sale

rose vintage harlequin salt and pepper shakers for sale

rose vintage harlequin salt and pepper shakers for sale

rose vintage harlequin salt and pepper shakers for sale

Vintage Harlequin Salt and Pepper Shakers in Original Rose Glaze
For Sale: $8565

Bob Zordani and Heidi Kellner: (217) 714-5016, Lexington, Virginia: heidi@happyheidi.com