Happy Heidi Vintage Fiesta

Vintage Fiesta Juice Tumbler in Original Rose Glaze For Sale | Circa 1943-1944

Circa 1943-1944: In the spirit of mix-n-match ensembles, collectors can choose what sets to build, or can enjoy as a single, the rose vintage fiesta promotional juice tumbler. Whether originally a substitute for red near the end of 1933, or as stand alone special orders, the rose juice tumbler is a unique piece to add to the vintage pottery collection, made for a very short amount of time. Measures 3 1/2" tall and is unmarked as were all the original fiesta tumblers.

rose vintage fiestaware juice tumbler from 1940s promotional campaign

rose vintage fiestaware juice tumbler from 1940s promotional campaign

rose vintage fiestaware juice tumbler from 1940s promotional campaign

rose vintage fiestaware juice tumbler from 1940s promotional campaign

rose vintage fiestaware juice tumbler from 1940s promotional campaign

rose vintage fiestaware juice tumbler from 1940s promotional campaign

rose vintage fiestaware juice tumbler from 1940s promotional campaign

Vintage Fiesta Promotional Juice Tumbler in Original Rose Colored Glaze
For Sale: $110

Bob Zordani and Heidi Kellner: (217) 714-5016, Lexington, Virginia: heidi@happyheidi.com