Happy Heidi Vintage Fiesta

Vintage Fiesta 4 ¾" Fruit Bowl in Original Green Glaze For Sale | Circa 1938-1951

Circa 1938-1951: The 4 ¾" Fiesta fruit bowl was added in 1938 as a smaller option of a tableware bowl. Each piece was hand jiggered after coming out of the slipcast mold. Concentric rings will vary because of this. Earlier versions, like this one in original original green, were fully glazed, with the in-mold mark on the bottom. This example, with it's wonderful classic fiesta green glaze and smooth inside full of concentric rings is in excellent condition. Measures 4 13/16" w x 1 19/16" h.

original green vintage fiesta fruit bowl for sale

original green vintage fiesta fruit bowl for sale

original green vintage fiesta fruit bowl for sale

original green vintage fiesta fruit bowl for sale

original green vintage fiesta fruit bowl for sale

original green vintage fiesta fruit bowl for sale

Vintage Fiesta 4 ¾" Fruit Bowl in Original Green Glaze
For Sale: $50

Bob Zordani and Heidi Kellner: (217) 714-5016, Lexington, Virginia: heidi@happyheidi.com