Happy Heidi Vintage Fiesta

American Chintz Homer Laughlin Kitchen Kraft OvenServe Decalware Pie Plate with Red Stripes | Circa 1939

Circa 1939-1941: Interestingly the decal "American Chintz" was originally an all over pattern that was used by Woolworth's on the plates, platters, teacup, sugar and creamer and sauceboat. Only carried for a year, American Chintz was quickly discontinued and then Homer Laughlin cut up the decal sheets into smaller sprigs and used them on Kitchen Kraft pieces with the red stripes for added decoration on mixing bowls, casseroles and the pie plate.

american chintz kitchen kraft ovenserve pie plate with red stripes

american chintz kitchen kraft ovenserve pie plate with red stripes

american chintz kitchen kraft ovenserve pie plate with red stripes

american chintz kitchen kraft ovenserve pie plate with red stripes

american chintz kitchen kraft ovenserve pie plate with red stripes

American Chintz Homer Laughlin Kitchen Kraft OvenServe Decalware Pie Plate with Red Stripes

Bob Zordani and Heidi Kellner: (217) 714-5016, Lexington, Virginia: heidi@happyheidi.com