Happy Heidi Vintage Fiesta

Mexicana Homer Laughlin Oatmeal Bowl | Circa 1938

Circa 1938: The Century pottery line at Homer Laughlin was used with a wide variety of decals, dipped in solid colored glazes (found in the Fiesta and Harlequin lines), sometimes simply plain, sometimes painted with bands of stripes and as shown here fully adorned with the Mexicana decal. The American love affair with the southwest left us with a delightful range of whimsical tablewares from the 30s. The oatmeal bowl makes the perfect piece to celebrate the jubilee and the festivities are topped off with a bold handpainted red stripe. This example is in very good shape, without damage, touchups or repairs and little to no wear to the cold stripe or decal. Marked on back. Measures 6 1/4" x 2".

mexicana round oatmeal bowl with red stripes

mexicana round oatmeal bowl with red stripes

mexicana round oatmeal bowl with red stripes

mexicana round oatmeal bowl with red stripes

mexicana round oatmeal bowl with red stripes

mexicana round oatmeal bowl with red stripes

Mexicana Oatmeal Bowl with Red Stripes

Bob Zordani and Heidi Kellner: (217) 714-5016, Lexington, Virginia: heidi@happyheidi.com