Happy Heidi Vintage Fiesta

The American Potter NY World's Fair Seasons Spring Scene in Original Green | Circa 1939-1940

Circa 1940: Showcasing their excellence, Homer Laughlin must have used one of their most skilled artists to carve the reliefs for what would become their seasonal dish sets at the New York Worlds Fair from 1939-1940. The four piece ashtray set, embossed with the charming scenes of the seasons, would be dipped in their popular Vintage Fiesta solid color glazes of turquoise, green, red, ivory, yellow and blue. Advanced collectors of Homer Laughlin pottery will delight in adding these whimsical reliefs to their collections in their favorite colors and themes. This example of the spring scene, in the original green glaze, is nicely marked on the back "The American Potter, New York Worlds Fair, 1940, Joint Exhibit of Capital and Labor". Please note two in the making glaze skips on the edge of the dish, these are not damage, but simply part of the production methods. All World's Fair pottery is considered hard to find.

1939 1940 New York Worlds Fair Green Spring Scene Ashtray The American Potter Joint Exhibit

1939 1940 New York Worlds Fair Green Spring Scene Ashtray The American Potter Joint Exhibit

1939 1940 New York Worlds Fair Green Spring Scene Ashtray The American Potter Joint Exhibit

1939 1940 New York Worlds Fair Green Spring Scene Ashtray The American Potter Joint Exhibit

1939 1940 New York Worlds Fair Green Spring Scene Ashtray The American Potter Joint Exhibit

1939 1940 New York Worlds Fair Green Spring Scene Ashtray The American Potter Joint Exhibit

The American Potter New York Worlds Fair Spring Scene in Original Green

Bob Zordani and Heidi Kellner: (217) 714-5016, Lexington, Virginia: heidi@happyheidi.com